Politique d'expédition

  • Estimated delivery time is 3-7 business days if item is on hand.
  • Drop shipping items standard delivery time is 7-14 business days.
  • Drop shipping items expedited delivery time is 5-10 business days.
  • All order processing occurs on business days only, which are Monday through Friday. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or after 4 pm central time (CT) are processed the next business day. All packages are delivered Monday through Friday.
  • Stock items ship out within 24-48 hours, unless otherwise noted.
  • Large quantity purchases may add 1-3 business days to shipping. Item(s) may also be bulk packed.

NOTE: Some of our items are drop shipped directly from the manufacturer. As such, you may receive multiple packages.

  • United States Postal Service (USPS) and SF Express (international shipping company) is the package service used by Mi’que’lla’s Closet. Unless otherwise requested, all orders are shipped via USPS and or SF Express.
  • Mi’que’lla’s Closet is not held responsible for any delays USPS or SF Express may incur due to circumstances beyond their control. This would include but not limited to: weather conditions, mechanical delays, equipment failures.
  • Mi’que’lla’s Closet is not held responsible for any delays USPS or SF Express may incur due to incomplete address information, or wrong address information provided by the customer.
  • All packages are insured when they leave Mi’que’lla’s Closet. If a package is damaged in shipment, you should not accept the package without appropriate documentation of damage. Mi’que’lla’s Closet is not responsible for merchandise damaged in shipping.
  • If you are unable to access the status of your order, please contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Shipping Rates

  • We charge per USPS and SF Express published rates.

Note: We reserve the right to adjust the shipping charge if the actual rate comes back higher than originally calculated due to the dim weight of the package.